
The circular transition calls for one of the biggest collective rethinks our society has ever undertaken. Education is critical to ensuring people across all age groups and disciplines develop the knowledge and skills required to redesign the organisation and operation of human systems. For the transition to be successful, students, politicians, business owners and everyone in between must learn new ways of thinking, working and living.

Efforts are already underway to embed circular economy in Australia's school curriculums, with the ACE Hub's Teacher's Community identifying potential class activities for the nation's secondary schools. Universities and TAFEs across the country are also beginning to roll out circular economy programs, which will be shared through the Knowledge Hub as they become available.

For the business community, there are a limited number of specialised training programs available such as KPMG's 18-week Circular Advantage course and a two-part Circular Economy Masterclass from Coreo.

The resources below cater to this wide range of education and training needs and offer a jumping off point for your personal and professional circular economy learning journey.

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